COST : 12 250 €

Auto Produc,on Level 03
Face-to-face training 75 days 525 hours eligible CPF and other organisaLons.
Good to know, this MAO Auto Production Level 03 training module is a long program. You will be able to review the basics and simple techniques of prod by perfecting yourself over the hours spent with your trainer. You will have a personal follow-up throughout this period. If you already have a certain level in music production, you will have access to a special program in order to improve through different workshops.
Indeed, your goal for this training period will be to master the new working methods with the latest plugins on the market. This auto production at expert level training gives you a new vision on the integration of tools such as compressors, equalizers, channel strips, temporal effects, panning and parallel processing…. You will also learn modern production techniques, but also tricks or secret techniques from producers according to your style and your musical universe.
If you validate a registration in our training centre, during this learning period, you will be evaluated and corrected on exercises in order to progress and become autonomous.
- Learn and master the Sound Production advanced techniques
- All the techniques you will be taught will be applicable on any DAW (Logic Pro X, Cubase, Protools, Abeton Live…)
- For who:
Composers, Beatmakers, Producers, Disc-jockey, Musicians - Prerequisite:
Know how to use DAW (logic, Ableton, Cubase, Studio One, Pro Tools, FL Studio…)
- Gain Staging
- Channel Strips
- Layering
- Insert and send audio effect
- Workflow (modern technique and methodology)
- Organize your session on your DAW
- PresentaLon of all compressor types
- Mid/side Compression
- MulLband Compression
- Equalizer family (cleaning, colour, parametric) Method and uses
- Mid/side equalizer
- Dynamic Equalizer
- Drive: Harmonic distorLon
- SpaLalizaLon (stereo image)
- Panoramic
- FX plugins (reverb and delay)
- 65 days of studio workshop
- Learning on Apple Mac, DAW Logic Pro X, using UAD (Universal Audio) plugins
- Use of Acustica Audio plugins, use of Raven MTi2 touch screen ..
100% of people who took the training said they were very satisfied
1 to 6 people
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The professional MAO training: Auto Production Level 03 can be funded by other organisations according to your profile